History and Journey

Aim Trust registered under Indian Trust Act in 1999. Trust Start its journey from Kheri and in last two decade its covered 5 districts, 850 villages 130 slums of Lucknow and Varansi and addressed the issue of 4000 women farmers, 1500 slum dwellers, 5000 children, 6000 displaced people. In this journey it got financial support from different NGOs, INGOs, UN Agencies and Government bodies such as Action Aid, CRY, ICCO, EU, Norad, Misereor, Unicef,, Planning Commission, FPH Foundation, PHIA Foundation, Google India, Oxfam India, Charity Aid Foundation etc.



Aim Trust is working on three themes Education, Livelihood Development, Empowerment and Emergency Relief.

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VOP-Voice of People, Mahfooz- Surakshit Bachpan Read More

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