AIM Trust Runs Online Classes for Rural Children

AIM Trust Runs Online Classes for Rural Children
March 24, 2021 No Comments Case Story aimtrust_user

Name: Anjali Devi

Age: 12 year

Father: Mr. Surendra

Mother: Mrs. Reshma

Address: Village Nimchaini, Block Mitauli, District Kheri, Uttar Pradesh.

Anjali Devi a 12 years old girl is a resident of Nimchaini Village of Mitauli Block, Kheri- U.P. She belongs to marginalized community.  Her father name is Mr. Surendra (45 year old) and mother is Mrs. Reshma (41 years old). Anjali is in 8th standard now after being promoted in 7th class.  Her family owns only 1 Bigha of land. Her father is a daily wage labourer and don’t earn enough to cater even basic needs of the family. Her mother is a home maker and also work to ‘Rakhi’ (a product which is used to tie to celebrate Raksha Bandhan an Indian famous festival) to support her family. But this is only for few days work. Due to COVID-19 we had to suffer a lot as there was lockdown in the country. She had to stay in home; schools were closed and were not able to meet her friends and relatives. Due to several of rumours were being spread they were afraid of getting infected. Many awareness campaigns were driven to make them aware during this pandemic with the help of local administration. Her father lost his work and came back to her village and he has nothing to do. With the help of the Aim staffs her father was connected to MGNREGA scheme and he got the work once the lockdown was eased. Anjali Devi told that during lockdown Aim staffs used to call on alternative days. Ms. Deepa Raj used to go to her home and provide chart paper and books to study and also made aware about Corona Virus. Several tasks were given to Anjali to connect her from study. She used to make drawing from locally available resources. Though she used to get tasks but there was a huge loss as they were not getting they had to get for their education. She also used to share that she gets bored and home related were also given by their parents to work so she didn’t get much time to her study. She was not able to enjoy with her friends. She wanted to come to Child Activity Centre. She used to call for solving maths questions but once the lockdown was eased Aim staffs started coming to villages with proper precautions and distributed masks, sanitizers and told our parents if they want to send their children they can send to our Child Activity Centre. They also told they had taken permission to continue the centre in several shifts in 10 students in each groups with proper physical distancing. Her parent agreed to send her so a consent letter was taken from the organization. Masks and handwash was also provided to the centre to protect the children from the spread of Corona Virus. She started coming to the centre regularly in after noon batch. She was provided colour pen and chart paper and also started enjoying library made at CAC centre where she studies poems and stories along with her syllabus. After few days children were informed that there will be facility of online classes amidst pandemic. She was overwhelmed after knowing this and also was surprised that as she didn’t know about it earlier. Now she enjoys online learning through Zoom apps where education experts of AIM Trust and Delhi volunteers, teach through fun and animation and now they have full access to all subjects. This initiative helped her to share her problems with subject experts and have knowledge technology in this marginalized community which is the need of the hour. Now she also learns through activities like- drawing, children chain, science and maths from locally available resources, TLMs, live presentation, online presentation. Her interest has increased for her study and daily comes to the centre for 3 hours. She loves drawing, mathematics and science subject. There is a excellent improvement in subject knowledge.

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