Program Information

Program Information

History and Journey– Aim Trust registered under Indian Trust Act in 1999. Trust Start its journey from Kheri and in last two decade its covered 5 districts, 850 villages 130 slums of Lucknow and Varansi and addressed the issue of 4000 women farmers, 1500 slum dwellers, 5000 children, 6000 displaced people. In this journey it got financial support from different NGOs, INGOs, UN Agencies and Government bodies such as Action Aid, CRY, ICCO, EU, Norad, Misereor, Unicef,, Planning Commission, FPH Foundation, PHIA Foundation, Google India, Oxfam India, Charity Aid Foundation  etc.

Objective – A. Creating models of sustainable agriculture and other livelihood options to improve the quality of lives of the marginalized.

  1. Promoting collective action among Women Self Help Groups, CBOs and Producer Organizations by building capacities and technical expertise to effectively address the issues at different level.
  2. Promoting and demonstrating intervention models to replicate from small to large scale.

Themes – Aim Trust is working on three themes Education, Livelihood Development, Empowerment and Skill Development.

Details of current interventions of the organization on issues of children, women, and climate change, pandemic COVID-19, migrants etc.

S.No Name of the project Target coverage  Target community Issues / Sectors focused Supported by
1 Children Right to Quality Education 2000 children Dalit/OBCs(other backward castes) Child Rights CRY –Child Rights & You
2 Prosperity through resilient agriculture 3000 marginal women farmers SCs Dalit/OBCs Climate Resilient Agriculture OXFAM India
3 Responsible Sugarcane Value Chain in U.P. Small and Marginal farmers of 15 Villages OBCs /Dalit Private Sector and Women Rights OXFAM India
4 Inclusive City/Covid 19 Response 10 slums of Varansi Urban Poor Migrants Inclusive City/Covid 19 Response IGSSS
5 CISCO, CCRD & Livelihood Sustenance 3000 Rural Poor Women BPL (below poverty line) Category Digital Empowerment and Livelihood PHIA FOUNDATION ( Google India and Tata Trust )


6 Girl Icon Programme 3000 young girls BPL Social Empowerment MILAAN Foundation