About Us

About Us

Aim Trust is an association of people working towards the development, empowerment and fulfillment, protection and respect of rights of men, women, transgender and children and to ensure that it reaches the marginalized sections of society including children dalits, minority, tribal, migrants, transgender and women. Aim believes that poverty can be addressed through integrated and participatory development approaches.

From its inception in the year 1999-2000, Aim works for/with marginalized, underprivileged and weaker section of the society. Aim working approaches are development oriented right based, livelihood creation, capacity building, interactive, formation of Community Groups (CGs), strengthening of Community Based Organizations (CBOs), sponsorship of children for ensuring child rights, environment protection etc. Our target groups are children, women farmers, rural youth, elderly people, tribal and communities who are excluded from socio economic development.

Aim Trust is a registered humanitarian, non profit, non political, non–sectarian and non-government organization registered under the Indian Government.