AIM supported for food stuff during COVID-19

AIM supported for food stuff during COVID-19
March 12, 2021 No Comments Case Story aimtrust_user

Name – Anshika
Age- 17
Father’s name – Mr.Hansraj
Mother’s name – Anita
Location – Kamta, Lucknow
Siblings – Preeti (elder sister), Neha (younger sister), Gagan(younger sister), Anmol (younger brother)
th standard.

My name is Anshika. I used to live in my village Gudiyapur, Sitapur District (post- Miranagar). In the year 2017 my sister Preeti was pregnant so to take care of her household I came to Lucknow and started living with her in-laws. My younger brother Anmol also stays with me and my younger sisters live in the village with grandparents. Anmol studies is in School. My sister’s mother-in-law is a housemaid and she used to take me with her to work. My mother and father also shifted to lucknow with me. My mother also works as a housemaid and my father is a fruit and vegetable vendor. Things were going fine and there was no shortage of food for us but then unfortunately a pandemic by the name COVID-19 started

Many people told us not to come for work where my parents worked. Although they gave us money but still it wasn’t enough in the prevailing conditions. My father is also facing a lot of difficulties as police officers are not allowing him to sell fruits and vegetables in markets due to national lockdown hence he sells the items only in colonies which is not enough. Procurement of fruits and vegetables from godown is also a tedious task. He leaves from home to get vegetables from Chinhat at 12 in the night and returns at 5 in morning because police officers don’t allow people to go out on main roads during the day.

Apart from all that we are also not getting ration from the stores for free according to the government schemes during Corona. The people who distribute ration tell us that we don’t have any proof of residence due to which we’ll have to pay for the ration.Buying ration from local General stores is a heavy blow on our pockets as the stores are selling ration at high prices and there’s no controlling authority as per our observation which can control the prices.

I hope all this chaos to end as soon as possible as it is the only way to ease things for us and to sustain our living. In this situation Aim Trust supported us with dry ration, vegetables and biscuits for one month and also motivated us to not return to village as it will affect the education of my brother as well as mine. I am also very keen on getting education. I am a drop out. I could not study after fourth standard. Now I am very keen on getting admission in Government Primary School in fifth standard with support of Aim Trust.

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