Now minor girl Sarla Devi saved from Child Marriage

Now minor girl Sarla Devi saved from Child Marriage
October 29, 2018 No Comments Uncategorized aimtrust_user

A big achievement of Kishori Manch (Girls Forum) facilitated by Aim Trust

Sarla Devi (16) is a minor girl lived in Kasta village with her father Mr. Munna Lal and mother Ms. Rita Devi. She has two sisters and one brother. She is studying in 10thstandard. Her father is working as an agricultural labor.

When Sarla was only 16 years old, her father forced for doing marriage. His father considered her as a burden being a girl and wanted to get married as soon as possible. But she did not want to marry as she wants firstly to complete her studies.  One day, Sarla’s father invites some people at his home and fixed her marriage. But she refused to marry in front of everyone and also kept her word about her further studies. She also said that she only marry after completing her education. After listening her words, Sarla’s father got very angry.

Sarla is a member of Kishori Manch (Adolescents Forum of Girls) formed by the Rozi Roti Sangathan, a CBO (Community Based Organization) of Aim. Sarla told about this incident to Didi, volunteer of Rozi Roti Sangathan. She with her group members met Sarla’s father and mother and counseled them saying that marriage before 16 is not only illegal but also affects my health and education. After a long time spending with her family members, they were convinced to stop the marriage. Sarla’s father realized his mistake.

Now Sarla is going to school with her friends. She also attends the adolescent group meeting regularly. There are 35 adolescent girls in a Kishori Manch. The adolescent group of her village now started to spread the message on the disadvantages of child marriage.

Sarla with her smiling face says ‘Now I complete my education and fulfill my dreams. I want to become a Teacher in future and I always work hard in studies to get good score in the examination. My father also promised that he will not force me to marry till I become 18 years old.”

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